Refund Policy
Orders and donations placed through our site utilize SSL (secure socket layers) to protect information so that it cannot be read in transit. The contact information we collect is used to send the customer their order and/or membership information. The financial information we collect is used to collect payment for the products and services purchased. Once the credit card information is processed SMS Dads Club does not store that information on its site. If you are not comfortable sending your credit card information online then you
can call the SMS Dads Club office at 208-455-8381.
Purchase & Refund Policies
Purchase and refund policies are stated on the purchase or registration page when you purchase goods or register for conferences or trainings. SMS Dads Club ships all goods by either US Postal Service, UPS, or occasionally FedEx. Goods purchased on the SMS Dads Club website are shipped within 7 working days unless you are notified by email or telephone within two days at which time you may either agree to backorder or cancel your purchase. All purchases which are canceled under that is policy are refunded within fourteen days. Refund requests for defective goods must be made within 30 days of receipt of your purchase. You will be given instructions on return of goods and all refunds for this reason will be made within 30 days.
Individual or group registration for conferences or workshops participation is binding unless a specific mention of non-binding preregistration is listed for that particular event or workshop. In those and only in those event workshops If your faxed approval or payment is not received 10 days prior to the event your "preregistration" will be voided.
For all other events cancellation requests received in writing or by fax 10 working days prior to the event, will be refunded at 90%. Substitutions are welcome. Fees are owed upon registration and are payable within 10 days (but not later than 7 days before the starting day of the event).
For Exhibitor or Vendor displays cancellation requests received in writing or by fax 21 working days prior to the event, will be refunded at 90%. After that there will be no refunds unless a substitute exhibitor or vendor takes the display space in question. In that case the original exhibitor or vendor who canceled the original reservation or purchase will be eligible for a refund of 75%. Fees are owed upon registration and are payable within 10 days (but not later than 7 days before the starting day of the event).