Section 1 - The President will:
1.1.1 Preside at all meetings of the Dads' Club and the Executive Board.
1.1.2 Plan the meetings and activities of the Dads' Club, and hold officers responsible for the activities entrusted to them. With the exception of constitutional provisions stated above, the President may reassign responsibilities based on the skill mix of the person(s) holding officer positions.
1.1.3 Sign all official documents and papers of the Dads' Club.
1.1.4 Chair the Nominating Committee.
1.1.5 Be an Ex-Officio member on all committees, both standing and appointed.
1.1.6 Perform such other duties as are usually attached to the Office of the President.
Section 2 - The Vice-President will:
1.2.1 Have all the powers and perform all the duties of the President in the absence of the latter.
1.2.2 Present a calendar of upcoming scheduled activities at all general meetings.
Section 3 - The Secretary will:
1.3.1 Keep a record of the proceedings of the Dads' Club, and read those minutes at the following meeting, and keep the minutes of the Executive Board meetings.
1.3.2 Conduct the correspondence and communications of the Dads' Club.
1.3.3 Receive and file reports of all committee chairmen.
1.3.4 Promptly provide a copy of the minutes of each General Membership meeting.
Section 4 -The Treasurer will:
1.4.1 Supervise the financial affairs of the Dads' Club.
1.4.2 Follow all of the policies and procedures identified in the Dads' Club Finance and Budget Policy.
1.4.3 Mentor the Deputy Treasurer.
Dads’ Club By-Laws
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Section 5 - The Sergeant-at-Arms will:
1.5.1 Maintain order at all meetings when called upon by the presiding officer to do so.
1.5.2 Be the chief parliamentarian at all meetings.
1.5.3 Notify the members of all General Membership meetings.
Section 6 - The Past President will:
1.6.1 Serve in an advisory role to the Executive Board to ensure continuity through the next fiscal year.
Section 7 – The Deputy Treasurer will:
1.7.1 Familiarize himself with Dads’ Club financial practices to be able to assume the office of Treasurer the subsequent school year.
1.7.2 Act as the treasurer for the annual Dads’ Club Gala and report to the Treasurer the financial status of the Gala as needed or requested.
Section 1
2.1.1 Amendments will be made at a General Membership meeting of the Dads' Club when approved by two-thirds vote of the attending members in good standing.
2.1.2 Proposed amendments will be reviewed by the Executive Board prior to submission to the General Membership.
2.1.3 Proposed amendments (in "red-line form") must be submitted to the General Membership at least 14 days in advance, and must be presented in writing, and read at the regularly scheduled meeting previous to the vote.
2.1.4 Past Amendments:
A. Revised: May 14, 1997
B. Adopted: May 31, 1997
C. Revised and Adopted: 2001
D. Revised and Adopted: March 11, 2010
E. Revised and Adopted: April 12, 2018
Section 1
3.1.1 Roberts Rules of Order (Revised) will govern in all cases.