• Date: 8/11/22 Attendance - 140

    Dads Club Board Attendance

    • Aaron Peterson (President)

    • Jeremy Roden (VP)

    • Michael Singleton (Tres)

    • Mike Sikes (Secretary)

    • Geoff Slater (Sergeant of Arms)

    • Sam Ackels (Deputy Tres.)

    Opening Prayer – Fr. G

    President Aaron

    • Welcome

    • Purpose of dads club

    Mike Sikes

    • Approval of previous meeting minutes

    Treasurers report- Mike Singleton

    • 29k outstanding – mostly gala cost

    • Cash position- overview of money and which accounts

    • No questions

    Father G

    • Remembering Mon. Meyer and his great impact on our community and the priest

    • Thank you for his service, and pause and offer 3 hail marys

    Athletic Update with Daniel Neves

    • New haircut, no knee brace

    • Football kicking off, will be pretty good this year

    • First game on the 18th at CKS.

    • 55 boys, 3 from holy trinity

    • Cross country registration is open. Had about 60 last year.

    • Volleyball just had tryouts, lots of great talent. 80 girls signed up

    • Helmets for football should be in by beginning of Sept.

    • If you want to advertise on the scoreboard, reach out to Daniel or Aaron via email

    Remarks from Prez. Trudell

    • Thank you for all the fundraising. Middle school stem lab is up and functioning.

    • K-4 maker space lab will be up and running this year for stem activities. (last year STEM came to your room and limited to ipads)

    • Mr Shannon Morgan has accepted the Dir. Of tech role for St monica school and church.

    • PTO sold out of spirit items, 11k worth.

    • Middle school had a challenge, final candidate did not clear the dioceses. So working through distributed roles for middle school with current administraters. When we hire, it will likely impact the schedules for 6th grader mid-year. 12 teachers are needed to run middle school and we have 11. WE solved it, its not perfect, but we will solve it soon.

    • Principal search- we made 2 offers. 1st didn’t want to move from Jersey. Made 2nd offer for a Vegas person, but wife decided they wanted 1 more year there. We have 2 more candidates that may be available in January.

    • New Behavior program – using acronym Bearcats. Talk to your kids, they will develop their own consequences via scenario based examples. If they own it, they will buy in. to enforce it there will be 2 Deans of Students, lower school is Monica Schwarz, Dean of upper school is Cheryl Sanchez. These are permanent positions.

    • Police officers have begun, we call them Mr/Mrs Blue, because there are 13 of them rotating through. They roam the campus, they have keys. They are not the traffic police.

    • Question; should we use a different principal search firm? Yes, they are on notice, if they don’t deliver this next round we will shift to a new search firm.

    • Question: do you have a timeline for street construction??? Wish I know?

    • Question: how many math teachers did we have last year and how many do we need now? Teacher mix has shifted, we need 12 teachers and we have 11. Not just specifically just math. Goal will be getting class sizes down to about 20-21

    • Question: why are we loosing so many teachers? Money in the other schools – private 20k more, public schools offering 12k more. We need to work on an updated pay school to be more competitive.

    Security Update- Pat Elko

    • Joined a committee to look at campus wide security. Also, catholics are under attack from the far left.

    • Recently did some penetration testing.

    • Working on making the campus a safer place

    • What can we do as dads? See something, say something! We also need more ushers

    • Maybe we can get security officers to dads club

    Grade level captains- Aaron Peterson

    • Sign up if you want to help

    Day of dads- Aaron Peterson

    • We will pick out a Friday each month by grade

    Sweat equity opportunities- Aaron Peterson

    • Opportunity coming up for back to school picnic & sausage making

    Hall of fame inductees- Aaron Peterson

    • Welcome to the inductees

    Spag dinner: - Aaron Peterson

    • We need volunteers , sign up will come out through email.

    NOWF: - Aaron Peterson

    • 3 upcoming events, buy tickets

    • It’s a hosted party by a group of families. Theres a theme, host families pay for the event, sell tickets and proceed goes to dads club.

    • If you are interested in sponsoring the event, let aaron know.

    • Baseball game $350 a ticket

    Budget presentation: - Aaron Peterson

    • Overview of budget revenue and costs.

    • Questions on budget- no?

    • Motion to approve the budget- Approved, membership voted and approved.

    Pot of gold $2000+

    New dad intros

  • Date: 9/8/22 Attendance - 100

    Dads Club Board Attendance

    • Aaron Peterson (President)

    • Jeremy Roden (VP)

    • Michael Singleton (Tres)

    • Mike Sikes (Secretary)

    • Geoff Slater (Sergeant of Arms)

    • Sam Ackels (Deputy Tres.)

    President Aaron

    • Welcome

    • Purpose of dads club

    Mike Sikes

    • Approval of previous meeting minutes

    Treasurers report- Mike Singleton

    • Reviewed Sep reports and approval of budget

    Father G

    • Blessing to President of Dads club for his birthday yesterday

    Athletic Update with Daniel Neves

    • Scrimmage is Saturday at 8pm

    • Volleyball practices going well

    • Cross country ramping up and doing well

    • Cheerleading started practice 2 weeks ago and doing well

    • Advertising- if you have a business to market, we will take scoreboard sponsorships. See Justin or Aaaron for details

    Remarks from Prez. Trudell

    • Security- last week in a 3 week training for crisis mgt. First half of the year we will be running drills with notification, back half we will not give the notification. Will announce the active shooter drills

    • INGS Grant- we have received most of the money for the 2021-2022 school year, $400k. Reimbursed us for expense. We are getting INGS to pay for an instructional coach for the teachers once a month.

    • Prayer partners are coming back, we will be putting service into action and get the kids to do more service activities. We will go beyond St Monica serves and have the students do the work.

    • Principal search- meeting with a candidate over the next few weeks. Before we start a new search firm, we will be exploring this candidate first.

    • We don’t have the middle school teacher yet. Still working on it.

    • Next month we will be talking more about MAPS testing. This will help track your child’s growth over the year

    • Talk to your kids, they love their school. We’ve talked to 55 7th and 8th grade kids to be ambassadors for the school. They will be wearing blazers and doing tours of the school.

    Corey Edwards-AutumnFest :

    • Autumnfest is the only fund raiser we do. It funds Christmas purse, teacher resources, class parties. We still need some sponsors.

    o We have some fun new things, Autumnfest after dark (70s cover band starting at 730), video game truck, golf sim, 9 square, etc.

    o If you want to get into VIP tent, it’s a 1500 sponsorship.

    o Every kid gets a tshirt, no need to buy one. Email went out today with all the info

    Tom Morgan- Annual Fund

    • At $150k, we are at 65% participation. Goal is 100% participation. Please donate soon. We are short of goal by $40k, we need everyone to chip in whatever they can do.

    • Any overage goes to security

    Grade level captains- Aaron Peterson

    • We need a grade captain for 6th and 7th grade.

    Day of dads- Aaron Peterson

    • Sign up to watch your kids at school for lunch or recess

    Sweat equity opportunities- Aaron Peterson

    • Sign up for picnic table assembly. See Geoff if you can help with some muscle

    • Sign up for

    Spag Dinner

    • Linehan donated 400lb of pork butt for sausage

    • Sign up for spag dinner and sausage making , we are short of volunteers


    • Sign up and buy tix for the upcoming events

    • We need hosts for some upcoming events


    • We will need help soon. Block April 22nd

    Veterans Day – if you are a veteran, see Brian Jacot so we can honor you in the November dads club meeting

  • • Date 10/13/22

    ○ Attendees 85

    • Dads Club Board Attendance

    ○ Aaron Peterson (President)

    ○ Michael Singleton (Tres)

    ○ Mike Sikes (Secretary)

    ○ Geoff Slater (Sergeant of Arms)

    • Purpose of Dads’ Club/ Introductions

    • Previous Minutes

    ○ Approved

    • Treasurer’s Report

    ○ Successful NOWF and Spaghetti dinner . We raised 7,700. Sip smoke and deal, dads club funded but we still made about $3100. had about 30 people

    ○ Helmets outgoing expense of 11,500. request for larger helmets on request

    ○ Cash position. Sitting on about 130K, after helmets about 118k

    ○ We are reaching the part of the year where we start doing deposits for gala

    • Message from Father G

    ○ If you are getting emails being asked for money or gift cards- its not us.

    ○ Month of the holy rosary- continue your prayers and your witness of your faith. The time you spend with your kids and talk about godly things is important.

    ○ Autumnfest - pray for the success of autumnfest

    • Athletic Update

    ○ Sports are all ramped up.

    ○ XX top 20 finishers and 3 top 10 in our first meet. Next meet this Saturday at 730a. Looking good

    ○ Cheer going well, little paws tomorrow and they perform at autumnfest. 117 little paws girls

    ○ Football- looking pretty good. Varsity 2-2, St Rita on the 23rd. JV plays against CKS on Sunday at BL at 12pm

    ○ Vollyeball going really well- 7-8 teams making play offs.

    ○ Basketball registrations went out today. Looking for coaches if you are interested.

    • Scoreboard sponsors

    ○ 5 years of free data, but now we are getting charges 3k a year. Taking sponsorships so let us know if you want to advertise. Time outs, on the board during the game, scroll like a ticket, etc. …last time for the community, then we will open it up more broadly.

    • President Trudell Updates

    ○ Admissions season is open, you are the best people to promote the school

    ○ Preview day at the end of october, 7th and 8th graders doing tours.

    ○ Middle school challenges- new schedule will be coming out. We sent a letter and are solving it with current staff members because we could hire. Extended home room on Tuesday to review with the students, parents get a letter on Monday.

    ○ We will meet our goals for 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Bringing art and music to 6th graders

    ○ Have you received map test scores. You should have received them, Ms Smith will have a letter to share how to read them. Big one you want to see is January and see 20 weeks worth of work. You will see thing in January. This is funded by EANS grant. We have been able to source coaches for our teachers and on campus 7-8 days a week.

    ○ Principal search- no longer using past company, but have a candidate we are talking to. Should have more info by christmas

    ○ Thank a police offer. These officers care about your children so much. They have been there for us. And thanks for Father for approving this because we needed this. More to come on other issues from Ms trudell

    • Guest Speaker- Sean Tremblay

    ○ They run stemtree and have a lot of great programs for our kids in the community

    ○ They run camps the days our kids are out of school or on abbreviated schedules. We also do holiday camps as well

    ○ We do STEM enrichment, robotics, coding, math, etc. We are different because we have a variety of stem enrichment vs. the other camps that just do one type. Great way to get exposure to all stem fields.

    ○ They also have a much lower ratio of kids per adult, about 1 adult per 4-5 kids. Not just free play, they work through curriculum. They wont repeat what they have done.

    ○ Holiday camp registration will push soon. They will have early bird pricing for those that sign up soon.

    • Day of Dads

    ○ Sign up, dates on the website

    • Winner of Wings?

    ○ Shared the winners, 1 BWW 2 Pluckers 3 Twin peaks 4 wingstop 5 londoner

    • Thanks to the sponsors …

    • Quarter zips- will be selling at christmas market, we will have a both. Will also put them on the website

    • Sweat equity-

    ○ Tomorrow setup for autmnfest and putting together the tables for the B wing

    ○ Saturday- autumnfest

    • Thanks for the help at Spag Dinner!

    • New Items

    ○ NOWF- shared calendar.

    • Next 12/10 for ugly chistmas sweater and euchre.

    • We need sponsors for some other events

    ○ Request for New Business

    • New Dad Introductions

    • Veterans day

    ○ 11/10 meeting will honor our vets and we will have a panel. We are looking to get a guest speaker.

    ○ See Brian Jacot if you want to be honored with a slide or on the panel BRIANJACOT@GMAIL.COM

    ○ Gala

    • We have had to move our date. Save April 28th, got the venue on lock.

    • Motion to Close

  • Date: 11/10/22

    Attendance - 72

    Dads Club Board Present

    • Aaron Peterson (President)

    • Jeremy Roden (Vice President)

    • Michael Singleton (Tres)

    • Sam Ackels (Asst tres)

    • Mike Sikes (Secretary)

    • Geoff Slater (Sergeant of Arms)


    • Purpose of Dads’ Club/ Introductions of Executive Board

    • Previous Minutes - Approved

    • Treasurer’s Report

    Had some cost output but no inflow because we didn’t have a Halloween NOWF. Need more NOWF sponsors

    • Message from Father G

    o Very successful reconciliation for our 2nd grade students.

    o Thank you to the Dads club. Every little bit helps and makes a difference for our Students

    • Athletic Update

    o JV football lost at POP in the quarter finals. Hard fought, thanks for the coaches

    o Varsity football beat POP 56 to 12.

    • CKS in semis this Sunday at 2pm. Game at CKS.

    o Varsity Cross country came back with the season win.

    o Cheer- raised $10k (all schools in dioseces did 25k), donated the most by a wide margin

    o Volleyball- 7 out of 10 teams made the playoffs. Div. I lost in thrilling 3 game set so they did not make quarterfinals

    o 5-8th grade swimming is back. Need 2 6th grade girl coaches

    o Basketball tryouts on 11/12. Practices start over thanksgiving break.

    Day of Dads

    o 11/11 tomorrow is 3rd grade- 8 signed up

    o 12/ 9 eighth grade - zero signed up

    • Thank you to Sponsors

    o Fresh pasta delights, Maple leaf diner, inwood bank, standard meat, tommy Cusick homes, cowboy Toyota, campisis, stemtree

    • Quarter zips – for sale. Black and blue. $40 each, available at Christmas market on 12/1

    • Sweat equity opportunities- Christmas market 12/1

    • NOWF

    o 12/10 ugly Christmas sweater & Old Kids Band at Jon Arnots house

    o 1/21 Whiskey and Wine tasting

    o 2/18 Mardi Gras party open

    • New Items

    o Next meeting on 12/8, sponsorship opportunities available

    o Gala meet next week at on rotation Wednesday 8pm

    • Block your calendar 4/28- frontier of flight museum

    • New Dad Introductions

    • Motion to Close

    • Next meeting chili cookoff.

  • Date: 12/8/22

    Attendance - 65

    Dads Club Board Present

    • Aaron Peterson (President)

    • Jeremy Roden (Vice President)

    • Michael Singleton (Tres)

    • Sam Ackels (Asst tres)

    • Mike Sikes (Secretary)

    • Geoff Slater (Sergeant of Arms)

    Meeting Minutes:

    • Purpose of Dads’ Club/ Introductions of Executive Board

    Previous Minutes

    o Approved

    Treasurer’s Report

    • $13k out, part of our 100k commitment

    • Got 3k for scoreboard

    • Already have around 2.8k for tuition pool

    • Brought in about 890k in merch at Christmas market

    Message from Father G

    Did not attend due to holy day of obligation

    Athletic Update

    o Football- Varsity made it to the Catholic bowl and lost to St Rita 13-6

    o Volley- 2 teams made it to semi finals

    o Cross country- varsity girls were 1st overall

    o Swimming – great meet last night, good chance to be #1 overall, JV teams also did well

    o Basketball- practice has started, games start 1/14


    Remarks from Trudell- Did not attend

    Gala Update- Brian Jacot

    o If you are interested reach out to Brian or Communications@stmonicadadsclub.org

    o April 28 at frontier of flight

    o Theme- top gun/pilot or aviator or military ball

    o Sponsorship chair- Sam

    • Ed Ackels and Elena have sponsored their home for the sponsorship party. It will be Feb 18th Saturday.

    • Justin & Sam co-chairing the party

    • Finalizing the hotel, will have by Jan 1

    o Kickoff planning meeting next week at on roation at 530

    Guest Speaker – Christmas purse

    o Give to the purse

    Day of Dads

    o Only 1 8th grader, show up. 5th grade is in January

    Thank you to Sponsors

    o Fresh pasta delights, Maple leaf diner, inwood bank, standard meat, tommy Cusick homes, cowboy Toyota, campisis, stemtree

    Dads club merch–

    o Shirts, quarterzip, tumblers for sale

    Chili cookoff


    o Next one- is January at the Petersons house. Whiskey and Wine

    New Items

    o none

    New Dad Introductions

    Upcoming meetings

    Motion to Close

  • Date: 1/12/23 Attendance - 62

    Dads Club Board Present

    • Aaron Peterson (President)

    • Jeremy Roden (Vice President)

    • Michael Singleton (Tres)

    • Sam Ackels (Asst tres)

    • Mike Sikes (Secretary)


    • Purpose of Dads’ Club/ Introductions of Executive Board

    Previous Minutes

    o Approved

    Treasurer’s Report

    o Big expense was 4500 for Murad auction website

    o NOWF/Tuition pool/Merch raised about the same amount

    o Acct totals around 100k, no pending payments. Gala expenses will start to pop up

    Message from Father G

    o Not present

    Athletic Update

    o Swim meet- varsity boys got first. JV also won

    o Basketball season is ramping up. Starts Saturday, 6 games going in each gym, teams looking good.

    Remarks from Trudell- not present. There is a principal, she will start July 1st. Transition will start after Easter.

    Guest speaker – Warner Linehan- has an offer for all inclusive resorts in Cancun. If you book any nights than we earn free nights for Dads club auction

    Gala Update- Brian Jacot

    o 4/28- Friday

    o Top Gun theme

    o Frontiers of Flight

    o Goal is to write the final check for capital campaign for Dads club

    o Volunteers- effective last night, we will have a meeting every night at 8pm at Ackels Law Firm board room

    o Sponsorship party 2/18 Saturday at Eddie and Elana Ackels house. Starts at 7pm, ends at 11pm sharp. Everyone is invited

    o Sponsorships are live now, we will send out a link. Register here for tickets, sponsorships, etc.

    o Zach Henderson- silent auction chair. 214-923-9224 If you have silent auction items, let Justin or Sam know. Donate it so we can use it to auction.

    o Ticket prices are staying the same $150 a ticket

    Day of Dads

    o Sign up!

    Thank you to Sponsors

    o Fresh pasta delights, Maple leaf diner, inwood bank, standard meat, tommy Cusick homes, cowboy Toyota, campisis, stemtree

    Dads club merch–quarterzip for sale

    Thank you to Hamburgerman for food


    o Next one- is January at the Petersons house. Whiskey and Wine

    New Items

    o none

    New Dad Introductions

    Upcoming meetings

    Motion to Close

  • Date: 2/9/23 Attendance - 63

    Dads Club Board

    • Aaron Peterson (President)

    • Jeremy Roden (Vice President)

    • Michael Singleton (Tres)

    • Sam Ackels (Asst tres)

    • Geoff Slater (Sgt. @ Arms)

    Purpose of Dads’ Club/ Introductions of Executive Board

    Previous Minutes

    o Not read, Approved

    Treasurer’s Report

    o Outgoing expenses of $19,633. Incoming $5,595

    Message from Father G

    o Talked about Lent

    Athletic Update

    o Did not attend

    Remarks from Trudell

    o Sister Snow will be instructional assistant for the 2nd Grade.

    o Eaves Grant. Apply for whatever. We applied for additional 2 million dollars. I don’t know how much we’re going to get either $50,000 or $2M. We are still trying to get money. Catholic Foundation to assist us to get money. Accreditation is coming up.

    o PTO is after the Dinner on Monday.

    o What is the Accrediation Team is doing. I can bring this back to the DC next meeting. Sets a path for our future. Thank you again!!!!

    Gala Update- Brian Jacot, Sam Ackels, Zach Henderson

    o Gala dress- whatever is comfortable as long as it is tasteful

    o Sponsorship party 2/18- 730-1030p, Bartender, Smokey Johns BBQ. Packages are Live, limited on tables. Didn’t raise ticket prices in spite of inflation. Really need you to purchase other items.

    o Live Auction.

    • We meet every Wednesday at Ackels Law Firm.

    o Zach Henderson: Silent Auction Chair. If you know a business, we want your items for Silent Auction. Dads’ Club Website. Everything into the upload

    Day of Dads

    o Kinder/Prek 2/10

    o 6th grade on 3/24

    NOWF calendar-

    o 2 new events Poker on 2/24, Axe throwing on 3/25

    Golf tournament update –

    o Monday 5/15 at Brookhaven 2pm shotgun start. Dinner to follow

    o Ticket includes; Mizzen & Main golf shirt, drink tickets, food/drinks on course

    Thank you to Sponsors

    o Big thank you to Kenny Penn- Campisis

    o Fresh pasta delights, Maple leaf diner, inwood bank, standard meat, tommy Cusick homes, cowboy Toyota, campisis, stemtree

    New Dad Introductions

    Upcoming meetings

    Motion to Close

  • Date: 3/20/23 Attendance - 47

    Dads Club Board Present

    • Aaron Peterson (President)

    • Jeremy Roden (Vice President)

    • Michael Singleton (Tres)

    • Sam Ackels (Asst tres)

    • Mike Sikes (Secretary)

    • Geoff Slater (Sgt. @ Arms)

    Purpose of Dads’ Club/ Introductions of Executive Board

    Previous Minutes

    o Minutes approved.

    Treasurer’s Report

    o Feb/ March Expenses came in at almost 20k

    o Feb/March revenue at 71,240.

    Gala sponsorships at 58.5k, tuition pool 5,500, NOWF- 7240.

    Message from Father G

    o Not present

    Athletic Update

    o Not present

    Remarks from Trudell

    o Not present

    Gala Update- Brian Jacot, Sam Ackels, Zach Henderson

    o Quick update on sponsorships, Sam and Justin willing to negotiate if you want the package to be set up slightly different.

    NOWF calendar-

    o Still waiting to finalize the the Crawfish boil

    Golf tournament update –

    o Sign up, reach out to Stavish for sponsorship opportunities

    Request for new business

    o None

    New Dad Introductions

    Upcoming meetings

    o 3/25- Axe Throwing NOWF

    o 4/20- Dads’ Club April meeting/ Po’Melvins

    o 4/28- Gala

    o 5/11- Last Dads’ club meeting

    o 5/15- Golf Tournament

    o TBD- Crawfish boil/Preakness NOWF

    Motion to Close

  • Date: 4/20/23 Attendance - 47

    Dads Club Board Present

    • Aaron Peterson (President)

    • Jeremy Roden (Vice President)

    • Michael Singleton (Tres)

    • Sam Ackels (Asst tres)

    • Mike Sikes (Secretary)

    • Geoff Slater (Sgt. @ Arms)

    Purpose of Dads’ Club/ Introductions of Executive Board

    Previous Minutes

    o Minutes approved.

    Treasurer’s Report

    • Reviewed high level financials associated with Gala expenditures

    Message from Father G

    o not present

    Athletic Update

    o not present

    Remarks from Trudell

    o not present

    Gala Update- Brian Jacot, Sam Ackels, Zach Henderson

    o Lots of updates in regards to volunteering needs for day of.

    Golf tournament update –

    o Andrew Stavish- “Buy tickets, or don’t, that is cool too”. Event on 5/15, buy tickets by May 1st

    Board nominations

    o Board position nominations open, let any board member know. Elections happen during may meeting

    Request for new business

    o None

    • New Dad Introductions

    Upcoming meetings

    o 4/28- Gala

    o 5/11- Last Dads’ club meeting

    o 5/15- Golf Tournament

    • Motion to Close

  • Date: 5/11/23 Attendance - 150-170

    Dads Club Board Present

    • Aaron Peterson (President)

    • Jeremy Roden (Vice President)

    • Michael Singleton (Tres)

    • Sam Ackels (Asst tres)

    • Mike Sikes (Secretary)

    • Geoff Slater (Sgt. @ Arms)

    Election results for ‘23/’24 Board

    • Jeremy Roden (President)

    • Brian Jacot (Vice President)

    • Sam Ackels (Tres)

    • Mike DePompei (Asst tres)

    • Zach Henderson (Secretary)

    • James Banse (Sgt. @ Arms)

    Previous Minutes

    o Minutes approved.

    Treasurer’s Report

    • None provided

    • Upcoming events

    o 5/15- Golf Tournament

    • Motion to Close